My coaching is for people whose lives may look good on paper but in reality feel somewhere between off-track, confused, numbed out, or eviscerated.

People I help are executives, founders, creatives, and professionals of various types.

I’m good at making terrifying levels of self reflection and the practices of change feel entertaining, productive, even inspiring.

(See the Psychotherapy page for more info on how I work.)

Specifically, I help with:

1) Designing flows that don’t cannibalize you

For example:

Workflows: What is your job and how does it work? How can you clarify and fine-tune and when needed totally revise how you work for efficiency and performance? What factors inside you and outside you prevent your evolution? What factors can accelerate change?

Lifeflows (aka work-life balance): What is the collection of projects that define your life? What balances need to be addressed, how, and at what pace, so that you build the life you envisioned at the start of all this? And again: What factors inside you and outside you prevent your evolution? What factors can accelerate change?

This work may sound superficial but it is deep. It’s about debugging your ability to live a meaningful, connected life.

2) reworking relationships and communication

For example:

Executive Evolution: ‘What got you here won’t get you there.’ Everybody has blind spots, especially very clever people (e.g. executives). High capacity people’s blind spots are often hard to spot and hard to change until the right clarity is in place. I work with people who are ready to evolve or at least ready to spar about why they might or might not want to evolve.

Connection Trouble-Shooting: Things aren’t quite right. So your spouse says. Or they’re very clearly not right. Maybe you’ve been mostly single for 20 years. Let’s figure out why and what to do. Same as above: I work with people who want to evolve and/or are ready to deeply reflect on what is not working.

3) Navigating transitions so that you end up better not worse off

For example:

Sabbaticals: Taking a break because you need a medium-to-hard reset? How do you actually recover and step back in to a better flow?

Divorce (of whatever type…corporate, marital): Whether you are the leaver or the leavee, whether this is happening now, happened recently, or is about to happen, whether you want to vomit or moonwalk, you can be transformed and improved.

‘People tend to overestimate what can be done in one year and to underestimate what can be done in five or ten years.’

- Anonymous

The Coaching Non-Guarantee: I do not promise you emancipation from suffering. You cannot eliminate the hard stuff. I do promise you a real conversation-towards-action about who you are and who you are becoming.

IS this therapy or is this coaching?

This is coaching, obviously. (Therapy is for resolving diagnosable psychological problems. Coaching is for improving your life.) What I care about most is getting you where you want to go. I’m a psychologist, so I do coaching differently from many coaches. The goal is still practical behavior change, strategy and tactics. But your life is complex and I am working with complex stuff so let’s not over-simplify. I tend to do analysis of the past and present so that we understand your psychology and why you haven’t already made the changes you’re seeking. That analysis is not open-ended. It’s always about getting where you want to go. It can be more or less deep depending on what’s needed.

Most of all I want to understand you and what will make you come alive.

I work exclusively via video-conference sessions.

Gareth is an incredible coach. He has a unique ability to reflect what is happening beneath the surface, help identify practical next actions, and cut through the complexity of dynamic situations with precision. In just a few sessions, he identified an unhelpful pattern of mine that I’ve carried unseen for years. Now I can sense early warning signs and avoid playing the pattern out. Gareth’s other super power is attuning to the interplay between individual behavior and the organizational context in which one is operating. As a result, rather than superficial tricks or tactics, he supports personal change at a deep level that also drives organizational success.
— R.E.
The work has done more to free me from my self-limiting behaviors both professionally and personally than anything else I’ve done.
— A.M.